---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Michael Mulgrew" 
<_noreply@uft.org_ (mailto:nore...@uft.org) > Date: Jan 22, 2011 2:42 AM  
Mayor to New Yorkers: "Drop Dead!" 
Dear colleagues, 
City Hall puts children first? It’s a great soundbite, but actions 
speak louder than words. 
The mayor and his administration have chosen sides, and it’s clearly not  
with the children of this city. Their priority is protecting millionaires and 
 billionaires, at the expense of everyone else. 
Studies now show the income disparity here in New York City is the largest  
in the nation, with one percent of residents earning almost 
45% of the  city’s income. Those 90,000 households are bringing home an 
average of $10,000 a  day. That’s what roughly a million of our poorest 
neighbors here in the five  boroughs bring home in a year. 
Given these realities, the mayor should be talking about policies that  
benefit all New Yorkers, but instead, he is threatening to lay off teachers and 
 other city workers, drastically cut school budgets, and go after the 
hard-earned  pensions and benefits of working families. Where does that leave 
students?  Apparently when it comes to profits, they’re simply collateral 
damage. City Hall  should be ashamed. 
There are reasonable solutions to fixing the city’s fiscal problems,  
solutions the administration has chosen to ignore. 
The highest earners could pay their fair share, for one. While the top one  
percent of earners make 45% of the city’s income, they only pay 34% of the  
city’s taxes — far less than in other cities where income disparities haven
’t  exploded. 
The city could also offer a retirement incentive, which would save hundreds 
 of millions of dollars without hurting families. 
It could look at curtailing wasteful contracts, such as the scandalous City 
 Time project, now hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and under a 
cloud  of criminal charges. 
The last few months have been disastrous, with the test score scandal, the  
controversial chancellor selection and the epic failure during the December 
snow  storm still fresh in the minds of all New Yorkers. Yet City Hall is 
trying to  pit teachers against teachers, parents against parents, schools 
against schools  — tactics that may divert public attention but do nothing to 
solve the city’s  problems. 
We will not be silent in the face of this assault on the children and  
members that we serve and on all New Yorkers. We all need to stand up for the  
true priorities of our city. We all need to stand up for each other. 
Rest assured that the UFT is actively pushing back against City Hall’s  
destructive policies and advocating for what’s right for our students and our  
schools. It is critical that elected officials hear from you — the people 
who  work and care for children every day in our city — in this effort. We are 
 putting together teams to meet with city and state legislators, community  
boards, CECs and other interested parties. Sign up here. 
I cannot thank you enough for the important work that you do for this city  
every day, and I am sorry that you have a mayor and chancellor who clearly 
do  not respect or understand what you do. 
Michael Mulgrew UFT President 

United Federation of Teachers • A Union of Professionals 
52  Broadway, New York, NY 10004 • 1-212-777-7500
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