>>> "EL" == Eric Ludlam <ericlud...@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm not picky about what version of GPL we use as long as it is 2 or
> greater.

I upgraded all headers to GPL3v+, save the .m files in the test
directory. No sure whether it is worth, to add a header there.

I also added a COPYING file, containing the License (the same the emacs
repository uses; that is a recommendation of RMS). Will push this also.

I might also add information to the README file more information about
the directory story (again based on the README file of the emacs repository)

> I fixed things up on the semantic stuff recently, but I agree that I may be
> the only one who uses that stuff.  There's a bunch of esoteric options that
> could move to a subdir, and if needed use something like (require
> 'subir/srcfile) to get it.  I'd recommend a "cedet" subdir, and/or leave it
> out of the debian package.

I leave this to you to decide 🙃

Concerning Debian and ELPA.

    1. I think when I finish the README file (I can wait, if you wish,
       after we settle the semantic stuff), I give the Debian guy a go.

    2. ELPA, there is one signature missing namely from
       Nathaniel Chodosh  nchod...@andrew.cmu.edu.
       I wrote him last year and he did not reply, but he still seems to be
       in that place and commits to github.
       I am not sure how to proceed. His patch can be found in the
       copyright branch, in the copyright directory. If he does not answer,
       we might

       1. consider to rewrite his patch

       2. To remove it

       3. Or give up to move Matlab to ELPA

Warning: Content may be disturbing to some audiences
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the NATO membership of the Ukraine.
I support the EU membership of the Ukraine. 

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