On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Darren Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have a lot of flexibility here. I prefer to pull from a few smaller
> documents using rest include statements or table of contents directives.
> Ipython, on the other hand, has the whole guide included in one file.

I would like to go with smaller files if it is possible, since it
would be nice to have little simple text documents (coding_guide.txt,
migration.txt, artist_tutorial.txt) that people can read in their
editors which are assembled into the docs for PDF and HTML

>> I don't think we will want to have one master
>> PDF for the user's guide, developer's guide and api docs (the
>> autogenerated api docs at http://matplotlib.sf.net/api.pdf are 560
>> pages along).
> Ok. It is easy enough to break them up into separate documents. I'll work on
> it this afternoon. Should we have a separate developers guide, or could it be
> included in the users guide?

Since the developers stuff is minimal now, it can be included.  If and
when it ever grows to a substantial size, we can break it out.

> Here is the docstring for the texmanager module:

great -- that is very human readable in the src code, which is what I want.

> Ok, they are included now:
> http://dale.chess.cornell.edu/~darren/temp/matplotlib/index.xml
> and http://dale.chess.cornell.edu/~darren/temp/matplotlib/Matplotlib.pdf

Het, now we are getting somewhere!  We may need to work on the toc a
bit, since we should see one header for "The Artist Tutorial" and then
all the subheaders indented relative to that, but that should be easy
enough.  There is also some code formatting problem in the PDF -- see
the 'import numpy as np" in the "Style Guide" section of the PDF.


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