On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Darren Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You're right, that sounds easier. Here's a taste, it has a bit taken from the
> users guide, I marked up the CODING_GUIDE, and I used the autodoc extension
> to document the API of texmanager and dviread:

How do you envision putting this together?  Will each of these
documents (eg CODING_GUIDE) live as separate rest files and are then
included in one doc?  I don't think we will want to have one master
PDF for the user's guide, developer's guide and api docs (the
autogenerated api docs at http://matplotlib.sf.net/api.pdf are 560
pages along).   Did you do any rest conversion of the texmanager and
dviread, or did autodoc do everything?  I'd like to get a feel for
what the rest markup of the docstrings will look like.

In any case, this is exciting, since I am eager to have a nice rest
based doc system.  You might want to look at incorporating the three
rest docs in the doc subdir: artist_api_tut.txt,
event_handling_tut.txt and devel/add_new_projection.rst since these
are already done.  I guess we also need to standardize on rst vs txt
extensions.  I think txt is friendlier to windoze users, and I have my
emacs to use rest mode for *.txt
(require 'rst)
(autoload 'rst-mode "rst-mode" "mode for editing reStructuredText documents" t)
(setq auto-mode-alist
       (append '(
                 ("\\.txt$" . rst-mode)
                 ("\\.rst$" . rst-mode)
                 ("\\.rest$" . rst-mode)) auto-mode-alist))

As you as you can, commit a working directory for the doc build and
I'll help with some of the conversion of the existing docs to rest.
We can split up the user's guide chapters, etc...


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