Eric Firing wrote:
> Mike,
> A bug was recently pointed out: axhline, axvline, axhspan, axvspan 
> mess up the ax.dataLim.  I committed a quick fix for axhline and 
> axvline, but I don't think that what I did is a good solution, so 
> before doing anything for axhspan and axvspan I want to arrive at a 
> better strategy.
> What is needed is a clean way to specify that only the x or the y part 
> of ax.dataLim be updated when a line or patch (or potentially anything 
> else) is added.  This is specifically for the case, as in *line, where 
> one axis is in data coordinates and the other is in normalized 
> coordinates--we don't want the latter to have any effect on the dataLim.
> This could be done in python in any of a variety of ways, but I 
> suspect that to be most consistent with the way the transforms code is 
> now written, relying on update_path_extends from _path.cpp, it might 
> make sense to append two boolean arguments to that cpp function, 
> "update_x" and "update_y", and use kwargs in Bbox.update_from_path and 
> siblings to set these, with default values of True.
It seems we could do this without touching C at all.  Just change 
update_from_path so it only updates certain coordinates in the bounding 
box based on the kwargs you propose.  Sure, the C side will be keeping 
track of y bounds even when it doesn't have to, but I doubt that matters 
much compared to checking a flag in the inner loop.  It will compute the 
bezier curves for both x and y anyway (without digging into Agg).  It's 
hard to really estimate the performance impact, so I'm necessarily 
pushing for either option, but it may save having to update the C.
> What do you think?  If you agree to the _path.cpp change strategy, do 
> you prefer to do that yourself, or would you rather that I try it first?
I probably won't have a chance to look at this today, so go ahead if you 
like.  I'll shoot you a note later in the week if I have time...

> Any suggestions and/or contributions are welcome.
> Thanks.
> Eric

Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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