On Dec 16, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Pierre GM wrote:

>> I'm very confused by the wiki in general. I click on "wiki" and it  
>> takes me
>> to something that doesn't obviously have anything to do with  
>> matplotlib...
> Well, it does say: matplotlib cookbook.
>> Like, what's scipy.org? Is it a company? Who is EnThought?
> Oh.
> What are you using to manipulate arrays ? numarray, Numeric, or  
> numpy ?
> Assuming that you use numpy, then you must know what scipy is,  
> right ? If
> not, well, br
> scipy.org is just a central site for numpy/scipy-related information.
> Enthought is a private company that works extensively with Python  
> and numpy
> in particular, and that hosts the site.

Hi, Pierre. There's a lot of assumptions here.

I do most of my own manipulations in SQL and with custom-written  
programs in C, C++, and Python.

I sort of know what numarray, Numeric and numpy are, but I don't care  
all that much. I'm just interested in matplotlib for the plotting.

The point of my email (and the questions below) is that the entire  
scipy.org website is written for people who already know what's going  
on. If you want to expand the user community (and simultaneously cut  
down on questions) you need to make things dramatically more  
understandable than they currently are.

A related problem is the MoinMoin wiki. It is not a widely used wiki  
and it has many usability problems. It is dramatically harder to use  
than, say, mediawiki.

>> Amy I allowed to contribute to the wiki? It doesn't look like it.  
>> The whole
>> thing is not very friendly.
> It's a wiki, so yes, you can contribute. No, it's not especially  
> friendly, in
> the sense that nobody's here to hold your hand.
>> And what is this whole MoinMoin thing?
> "MoinMoin is a Python WikiClone, based on PikiPiki. "
> This converstaion is really becoming surrealistic.

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