On Dec 16, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Pierre GM wrote:

>> Hi, Pierre. There's a lot of assumptions here.
> Indeed, and I apologize
>> I sort of know what numarray, Numeric and numpy are, but I don't care
>> all that much. I'm just interested in matplotlib for the plotting.
> Well, matplotlib relies on some packages to handle data arrays.  
> It's probably
> a good idea to check what you have below the hood, just in case  
> something
> goes wrong. It'll make things easier to help you.

Thanks. In fact, after I read through the matplotlib tutorial and  
user's manual, I downloaded and read the numpy manual too. It's a  
nice package. I especially liked the line about numpy not making  
things possible that weren't possible before, but that it just allows  
things to be finished before we are dead.

Overall, the package is really impressive. I don't like the way that  
arrays aren't resizable, though. And for the work I'm doing, I have a  
different number of observations and data points on different days,  
so it's a pain that the current boxplot infrastructure expects all of  
the boxes to be in a single array. Hence my questions.

>> The point of my email (and the questions below) is that the entire
>> scipy.org website is written for people who already know what's going
>> on. If you want to expand the user community (and simultaneously cut
>> down on questions) you need to make things dramatically more
>> understandable than they currently are.
> That's true, and I guess that's the reason why there's a wiki.  
> Please feel
> free to add your comments and suggestions.

Thanks. I will.

>> A related problem is the MoinMoin wiki. It is not a widely used wiki
>> and it has many usability problems. It is dramatically harder to use
>> than, say, mediawiki.
> But it happens to be the solution that has been chosen.


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