Christopher Barker wrote:
> Eric Firing wrote:
>> Even without the automatic-redraw difference, the OO interface requires 
>> more typing, and more mental record-keeping, than the pylab interface.
> Yes, but I don't think that's inherent in an OO interface, it's just 
> that the quickie utilities are missing from the current OO interface.
> oh, and it's not mental record keeping -- it's explicit record keeping, 
> which is why I like it:
> F1 = OOlab.Figure()
> F2 = OOlab.Figure()
> Isn't that better than trying to remember which is the current figure?
>> Typing "plot(x,y)" is easier to do and remember than creating a figure, 
>> adding axes, and then typing "ax1.plot(x,y)".
> Why couldn't plot(x,y) create and return a figure object? Or an axis 
> object? -- I haven't thought it out too much yet.

Chris:  In the pylab interface, figure() returns a figure instance and 
plot(x,y) returns a list of Line2d instances.

 >>> from pylab import *
 >>> l = plot([1,2,3])
 >>> l
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D instance at 0x3dcf738>]
 >>> f = figure()
 >>> f
<matplotlib.figure.Figure instance at 0x3dcf710>

I guess I agree with Eric, I don't really see much benefit for the OO 
interface for interactive use.


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