Steve Schmerler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was wondering: Is it (technically) possible to have .svg export
> capabilities with usetex-support and if so, has there been no need
> for this feature so far

The usetex feature is implemented for the Agg backend (i.e., png
output) using dvipng, and for the PostScript backend using (I think)
dvips with psfrag, and neither of these is easily generalizable to
work with svg or pdf. However, some time ago I committed the
beginnings of a dvi parser and a little support code in the pdf
backend, enough to get a small demo almost working:

I have no idea how difficult it would be to get this working in the
svg backend, but in the pdf backend the biggest hurdle is probably in
generalizing the current font support so that the TeX fonts can be

Jouni K. Seppänen

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