I did reinstall my python with Python 2.5.1, Matplotlib 0.9, wxpython 2.8.4
and then it now works.
Best Regards

rfv-370 wrote:
> I run on WinXP with
> matplotlib 0.9.0
> python 2.4.3 (enthought edition)
> rfv-370 wrote:
>> Hello werner,
>> I tried your small example to use your setup and your simple_plot but i
>> get the following traceback:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "simpletest.py", line 6, in ?
>>   File "pylab.pyo", line 1, in ?
>>   File "matplotlib\pylab.pyo", line 203, in ?
>>   File "matplotlib\axes.pyo", line 16, in ?
>>   File "matplotlib\axis.pyo", line 19, in ?
>>   File "matplotlib\patches.pyo", line 42, in ?
>>   File "matplotlib\patches.pyo", line 79, in Patch
>>   File "matplotlib\cbook.pyo", line 352, in dedent
>> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'splitlines'
>> Did I miss something?
>> Actually I am also trying to understand how to py2exe my own app.
>> Thanx for help.
>> Best Regards
>> Robert
>> Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>>> Hi Giorgio,
>>> Had a quick look at pylab based scripts and got an error on 
>>> backend_tkagg when py2exe it.  It looks like one needs to force the 
>>> backend to be included, I used tkagg but you would have to replace that 
>>> with wxagg for your script.
>>> Attached is a setup.py and from the examples the file simple_plot.py.
>>> Werner
>>> # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-#
>>> from distutils.core import setup
>>> import os
>>> from os.path import join
>>> import shutil
>>> import glob
>>> import py2exe
>>> from py2exe.build_exe import py2exe
>>> import sys
>>> import matplotlib
>>> mpdir, mpfiles = matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles()
>>> # cleanup dist and build directory first (for new py2exe version)
>>> if os.path.exists("dist/prog"):
>>>     shutil.rmtree("dist/prog")
>>> if os.path.exists("dist/lib"):
>>>     shutil.rmtree("dist/lib")
>>> if os.path.exists("build"):
>>>     shutil.rmtree("build")
>>> #
>>> # A program using wxPython
>>> # The manifest will be inserted as resource into the .exe.  This
>>> # gives the controls the Windows XP appearance (if run on XP ;-)
>>> #
>>> manifest_template = '''
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
>>> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
>>> manifestVersion="1.0">
>>> <assemblyIdentity
>>>     version=""
>>>     processorArchitecture="x86"
>>>     name="%(prog)s"
>>>     type="win32"
>>> />
>>> <description>%(prog)s</description>
>>> <dependency>
>>>     <dependentAssembly>
>>>         <assemblyIdentity
>>>             type="win32"
>>>             name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
>>>             version=""
>>>             processorArchitecture="X86"
>>>             publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"
>>>             language="*"
>>>         />
>>>     </dependentAssembly>
>>> </dependency>
>>>   <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
>>>     <security>
>>>       <requestedPrivileges>
>>>         <requestedExecutionLevel
>>>           level="AsInvoker"
>>>           uiAccess="false"/>
>>>         </requestedPrivileges>
>>>        </security>
>>>   </trustInfo>
>>> </assembly>
>>> '''
>>> RT_MANIFEST = 32
>>> #
>>> # options for py2exe
>>> options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1,
>>>                       "optimize": 2,
>>>                       "packages": ["encodings",
>>>                                    "pytz.zoneinfo.UTC",
>>> "matplotlib.numerix", "matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg"
>>>                                    ],
>>>                       "excludes": ["MySQLdb", ],
>>>                       "dll_excludes": ["wxmsw26uh_vc.dll"]
>>>                       }
>>>           }
>>> zipfile = r"lib\library.zip"
>>> class MetaBase:
>>>     def __init__(self, **kw):
>>>         self.__dict__.update(kw)
>>>         self.version = '1.0'
>>>         self.author = "yourname"
>>>         self.author_email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>>>         self.company_name = ""
>>>         self.copyright = "2003 - 2007 by whoever"
>>>         self.url = "http://www.whatever.com/";
>>>         self.download_url = "http://www.whatever.com/en/";
>>>         self.trademark = ""
>>>         self.comments = "a comment on the prog"
>>>         self.name = "the prog name"
>>>         self.description = "a desc on the prog"
>>> wx_emb = MetaBase(
>>>             script = "simple_plot.py",
>>>             other_resources = [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, manifest_template %
>>> dict(prog="your prog name"))],
>>> ##            icon_resources = [(1, r"images/some.ico")],
>>>             dest_base = r"prog\simple_plot")
>>> setup(
>>>       classifiers = ["Copyright:: your name",
>>>                      "Development Status :: 5 Stable",
>>>                      "Intended Audience :: End User",
>>>                      "License :: Shareware",
>>>                      "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows 2000",
>>>                      "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows XP",
>>>                      "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows 9x",
>>>                      "Programming Language :: Python, wxPython",
>>>                      "Topic :: Home Use"
>>>                      "Natural Language :: German",
>>>                      "Natural Language :: French",
>>>                      "Natural Language :: English"],
>>>       windows = [wx_emb],
>>>       options = options,
>>>       zipfile = zipfile,
>>>       data_files = [("lib\\matplotlibdata", mpfiles),
>>> ##                    matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles(), # if you don't
>>> use the lib option
>>>                     ]
>>>     )
>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>> """
>>> Example: simple line plot.
>>> Show how to make and save a simple line plot with labels, title and grid
>>> """
>>> from pylab import *
>>> t = arange(0.0, 1.0+0.01, 0.01)
>>> s = cos(2*2*pi*t)
>>> plot(t, s)
>>> xlabel('time (s)')
>>> ylabel('voltage (mV)')
>>> title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
>>> grid(True)
>>> #savefig('simple_plot.png')
>>> savefig('simple_plot')
>>> show()
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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