> I still hope somebody more expert will discover a less ugly, more  
> general,
> and less fragile solution.

Would using macports be an acceptable/less fragile solution for you?

My matplotlib (and pretty much everything) install via macports  
survived my Tiger -> Leopard upgrade (I did an archive install) just  

Its dependency stuff requires you to intsall numpy via macports as  
well, but I think what I did was (long time ago now):

$ sudo port install py-matplotlib

To get everything up and running. At some later point I uninstalled py- 
numpy and py-matplotlib (it kept the rest of the dependencies) and  
have since been compiling them from svn.

Everything seems to be working well for me.

> Also, with plain python, you don't get the ">>>" prompt back 'till  
> you close
> the figure window, whereas with pythonw you get it back as soon as the
> figure's displayed.
> That last is important to me, because it replicates the (to me)  
> single moust
> useful thing about ipython. That means I *don't* need to install  
> ipython,
> now.

I find ipython to be indispensable for many more reasons than just  
that. For instance, I just (relatively) recently was made aware of the  
"%debug" trick that will drop you into where your last Error was  
raised if your script bombs out so that you can poke around to see  
what went wrong. So cool ... but, hey, whatever floats your boat :-)


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