On Dec 3, 2007 9:08 AM, José Gómez-Dans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have compiled v.0.90.1 on RHEL 5. By default, the GTKAgg backend is being
> used (TkAgg cannot be set, as TkInter is not installed on the system, I
> think. It throws a "NO Module named Tkinter" error).
> At any rate, a test session is as follows:
> import pylab
> pylab.plot ( [1,2,3],[1,2,3],'-or') #Wait for a long time, up to 3-4 minutes
> pylab.show() # Display the graph. Quite fast <1sec
> This delay is very unusual, and does not happen on my laptop. Does anyone have
> any ideas?

This is not happening for me.  Does it happen every time you run mpl
or just the first time after you install.  Run some test script, eg

  > cat test.py
  from pylab import *


  > python test.py -dGTKAgg --verbose-debug

and see if you can get some clue what mpl is doing when it hangs.
Also, post the verbose output to the list.


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