Hello Chris,

maybe I don't know exactly what you want to do - let me try once more:
You try to plot a line where point need to be added, isn't it?
My first idea was that there should be independent points.

maybe something like the following helps you:
from pylab import *
from time import sleep

ion()                     # interactive mode 'on'
ax = subplot(111, autoscale_on=True)

x, y = [0], [0]
line = plot(x, y, label="my_data")[0]      
                                    # get the line-object as the first element 
                                    # of the tuple returned by plot
for i in arange(10):
    x.append(i)           # append new values
    line.set_data(x,y)    # reset data
    ax.relim()            # reset axes limits
    ax.autoscale_view()   # rescale axes
    draw()                # redraw current figure
    sleep(0.5)            # wait 0.5 seconds


I don't know how to make this somehow interactive concerning the data input. 
but maybe you save the data to a file and read them every 15 or 20 minutes.

best regards 

On Tuesday 11 March 2008 19:37, Chris Withers wrote:
> Chris Withers wrote:
> > Matthias Michler wrote:
> >> plot([x1], [y1], "bo", [x2], [y2], "r+")
> >
> > This didn't work :-S
> >
> > - the first time I call show(), execution never comes back to my script
> > so the code never gets to plot any further points
> Okay, thanks to Ryan, I now have this point fixed, however, with the
> following code:
> ion()
> i = 1
> while i < 5:
>      plot([i],[i],'go',[i],[i+2],'ro')
>      print i
>      i+=1
>      sleep(0.5)
>      draw()
> - there are no lines between the points, how do I get the lines to show?

see above - please

> - how would I pass keyword parameters such as "label" or use other
> methods such as plot_date?
> Also, when the above script finishes, I get:
> Fatal Python error: PyEval_RestoreThread: NULL tstate
> This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
> way.
> Please contact the application's support team for more information.
> What does that mean?
Sorry I have no idea why that happens on your system

> cheers,
> Chris

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