Hey Chris,

On Saturday 22 March 2008 03:36, Chris Withers wrote:
> Matthias Michler wrote:
> > maybe something like the following helps you:
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >---------------- from pylab import *
> > from time import sleep
> >
> > ion()                     # interactive mode 'on'
> > figure()
> > ax = subplot(111, autoscale_on=True)
> >
> > x, y = [0], [0]
> > line = plot(x, y, label="my_data")[0]
> >                                     # get the line-object as the first
> > element # of the tuple returned by plot legend()
> > for i in arange(10):
> >     x.append(i)           # append new values
> >     y.append(i**2)
> >     line.set_data(x,y)    # reset data
> >     ax.relim()            # reset axes limits
> >     ax.autoscale_view()   # rescale axes
> >     draw()                # redraw current figure
> >     sleep(0.5)            # wait 0.5 seconds
> >
> > ioff()
> This is perfect, except for one little thing...
> My x-axis is time, and as new points are plotted, even though I'm
> following the above recipe pretty closely, the x-tick spacing isn't
> getting sorted out, so I end up with just a jumble as the tick labels
> for the x-axis. Do you know why this might be?

I'm not sure I understand correctly, but if the number of xticks increases 
dramatically (nobody could see the individual ticks), the above script leads 
to a different behaviour on my system.

> > I don't know how to make this somehow interactive concerning the data
> > input. but maybe you save the data to a file and read them every 15 or 20
> > minutes.
> This isn't a problem, I just run in a "while True" loop and leave it
> running until I close the plot window.
> Shame I get that horrible exception when I do close the plot window,
> wish I knew how to make it stop :-S

I don't know which exception you refer to, but sometimes if gives problems if 
the interactive mode wasn't switched off ("ioff()") before the scripts ends 
or "show()" is called.


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