Eric Firing wrote:
> Both with respect to documentation and functionality, what you are 
> encountering is the historical aspect of masked arrays as a tacked-on 
> part of python numeric packages, and of matplotlib.

*sigh* I feel lucky ;-)

> Support and 
> integration are improving, but still far from perfect. 

I wish I could help, but my knowledge is lacking...

> Now with respect to your particular case here, trying to plot a filled 
> line with gaps: poly_between has no notion of masked arrays at present. 
>  If it did, how should it behave?  

Well, what I actually settled on was juat doing using:

my_masked_array.filled(0) plot with.

> At the very least, additional 
> arguments are needed to specify what should happen for fill-type 
> plotting with missing values. 

Indeed, what I personally would have liked was a complete gap where the 
data is missing, but I guess that would have to return multiple 
polygons, and I don't know how that would work?

> provide them in mpl.  I would be happy to fix this gap in mpl's handling 
> of gappy data, 

...heh ;-)

> but I can't make it a priority use of my time right now.

No, I understand :-)



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