Andrew Charles wrote:
> Looking back over the easy_install output it looks as if it does
> download another tarball and try to build it. I read another thread
> where this was happening to someone else.

What did you try to install? was it this:


which I think should work, so if it doesn't, maybe we can figure out why 
not. It worked for me with MacPython2.5 on OS-X 10.4

Charlie, am I right that that should work?

> I'll look at other libJPEGs - if that doesn't make it fly I might need
> to take your other advice and nuke macpython. I'm a little hesitant
> about over-writing the system installed numpy though.

I agree. MacPython is a good way to go, and we should have a binary for 
it, so maybe we can solve this. I don't have Leopard, so I'm not sure I 
can help much though.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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