Dear ALL,

I am using Basemap version 0.90 with MPL version 0.98.3 under Linux
Ubuntu, both installed from Andrew Straw repository (I just prefer to
install from repositories via apt than directly from the sources,
although in this case I do not have always the latest versions).

I stumbled upon a few issues that I could not solve by looking at the
available documentation. They are not really critical for me, but I
would be interested in finding some more about them anyway.

Here they are:

i) When trying some of the projections listed in the Basemap
documentation, I got a message saying that this or that projection is
not available, what leads me to think that these projections have only
been included in later versions of Basemap. However, I could not find
this in the documentation. This is not critical for my current
project, as I have no need to offer so many projections, but I would
like to know.

ii) The plotting of rivers using the drawrivers() method is painfully
slow, even with resolution set to "crude". The FAQ provided with the
Basemap source package offers an interesting suggestion for
potentially solving this, but an exemple would be in order (the FAQ
mentions an "" example which I have however not found in the
examples directory).

iii) In the same context as the above, I would be interested in
knowing if there is some way to speed up the plotting of a map with
the Blue Marble image superimposed on it.

In general, I would like to suggest that the Basemap FAQ could be
expanded and made available in the website, along with, perhaps, some
the examples provided in the Basemap distribution package (in the same
way the examples are provided in the MPL page).

Well, hope this helps!

Have a nice weekend.

With best regards,

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti
Ecoinformatics Studio
P.O. Box 46521, CEP 20551-970
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL
Linux Registered User #473524 * Ubuntu User #22717
"Life is complex. It consists of real and imaginary parts."

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