Mauro Cavalcanti wrote:
> Dear Jeffrey,
> 2008/12/6 Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Mauro:  There never actually was a Basemap 0.90 - could you check that
>> version number again with
> Sorry, my reference to a "0.90" version was a typo! Indeed, I have version 
> 0.99
> Thanks for the information on the drawing of rivers; I will see how I
> can provide this feature to users, warning them that the first plot
> may take some time to complete.
> BTW, even if there are reasons for the slowness of river plotting and
> Blue Marble superimposition, have you any information on the most
> appropriate hardware requirements for getting the fastest plots in
> these cases?

Mauro:  All I can say is, the faster the better.
> As of volunteers for helping with the Basemap documentation, count me
> in, just after I have my current project finished (hopefully by the
> next month). One idea I have is creating a "Basemap Cookbook" website,
> essentially presenting all the examples included in the current
> distribution, plus a few others (as the additional example for
> plotting shapefiles that you posted on the list a few days ago).


> With warmest regards,

Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328

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