On Dec 10, 2008, at 6:35 AM, massimo sandal wrote:

> Thanks a lot for your answer. I am very happy to know that you are  
> alive and (mostly) healthy and that you didn't forget us! :)

Oh no, I certainly haven't forgotten about you all!

>> I'm sorry I didn't reply to your email.  It fell through the  
>> cracks, so to speak.
>> WxMpl development has been stalled for quite some time now because  
>> I developed bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome this past spring.  It  
>> was not my intention to leave it abandoned and incompatible with  
>> matplotlib, but I've been finding everything to be a bit of an  
>> uphill battle these days.
> Woah, how bad. I'm sorry about that, I hope you're somehow recovering.

Thanks.  I'm going to have some surgery early next year, which will  
hopefully fix things.  I intend to have WxMpl working again and safely  
in matplotlib's repository before then, as I'll be effectively offline  
for six months or so, at least in terms of writing code.

> Thanks a lot for your interest. I didn't have time to go into the  
> wxmpl source, but another guy (Paulo Meira , [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) did  
> a terrific work in bringing wxmpl up to date. I think you could  
> start by contacting him.

Yes, I've had his email with the patch flagged in Mail.app for  
approximately forever.  Thanks for sending me a patched copy of  
wxmpl.py, too.  It'll be very helpful in figuring out the sort of  
changes I need to make.

> Thanks a lot for your feedback again. I develop a data analysis  
> application that uses wx and MPL and your little library made things  
> much easier. Thanks for your wonderful work.

Thank you very much for your kind words.  :-)


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