Good Day! 

In the course of testing two ode solvers (stiff and non-stiff) I noticed
that the figures that were saved (either eps or pdf) were fuzzy. The figures
produced by the command pylab.plot(xdata, ydata) followed by
were essentially smooth. When I zoomed in all lines were straight and I
could distinguish where the ode solver was making steps. But the saved
figures are completely different. Sure, the curve follows the same
trajectory as the original plot it was produced from, but they line itself
is fuzzy. I've attached a sample:
testode.rk45.a0.99.eps1e-07.pdf . This comes from a completely deterministic
ode. But is looks like I've added a tiny amount of noise.

On a technical note, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04, python2.5.1, matplotlib0.91.2
(with GTKAgg backend). 

(Hopefully I didn't miss a similar question--and solution--elsewhere in the

Thanks for your help,
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