Passing 'bevel' to solid_joinstyle works.  Thanks for the help.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Michael Droettboom <> wrote:
> In the meantime, I was able to get everything working and could confirm.
> Passing solid_joinstyle='bevel' does resolve the problem on both 0.91.x and
> 0.98.x.  Additionally, path simplification (which is a new feature on
> 0.98.x) also resolves this problem (set rcParam path.simplify to True).
> The wider question is:
>   a) should bevel be the default going forward?
>   b) maybe this deserves a FAQ entry
> Mike
> Jesse Berwald wrote:
>> I compiled the code with following:
>> gcc -o testode.o testode.c -lm -lgsl -lgslcblas
>> I'm using gsl 1.10. Hope that helps. I'll try out the kwarg suggestions
>> asap.
>> Thanks for the help,
>> -Jesse
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Michael Droettboom <>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm having trouble getting your C code to compile (maybe a gsl version
>>> mismatch...?)
>>> In the meantime, perhaps you could try something for me.
>>> If you add the kwarg "solid_joinstyle='bevel'" or
>>> "solid_joinstyle='round'"
>>> to your plot command, does that improve things?  If so, we could consider
>>> changing the default.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mike
>>> mtcoder wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> Thanks for the quick and informative responses. I've attached the code
>>>> (testode.c). It requires the GSL library. I've also attached the script
>>>> I
>>>> was using to read and plot the data ( [Note: If you do any
>>>> tests
>>>> with the python script make sure to change the savefig directory in
>>>> plot()
>>>> to something local. ]
>>>>  test code
>>>> John: I'm using evince to view pdf's (but acroread produces the same
>>>> behavior as Michael's attachments showed).
>>>> Michael: I changed the backend to Cairo and saved the figures directly
>>>> to
>>>> pdf. Same results. To be clear, to do this I changed the matplotlibrc
>>>> file
>>>> (backend GTKAgg -> Cairo) and then changed the filename in savefig to
>>>> end
>>>> with ".pdf". I assume that is what you had in mind.
>>>> In addition, as requested here are two screenshots in png format of the
>>>> actual pylab/matplotlib output:
>>>> odetest_pylabimg.png  output
>>>> odetest_pylabimg_zoom.png  output zoomed.
>>>> Thanks for the help,
>>>> -Jesse
>>>> Michael Droettboom-3 wrote:
>>>>> Also -- for mtcoder:
>>>>> Can you send us the script that generates your plot?
>>>>> Also, if you set your backend to Cairo, and then generate the pdf, to
>>>>> you
>>>>> get the same result?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> Michael Droettboom wrote:
>>>>>> There's something funny going on with line caps, maybe?  It looks like
>>>>>> the corners aren't getting capped in the same way as Agg does.
>>>>>> I've created screenshots of Jesse's pdf file in acrobat and evince.
>>>>>> Any thought, Jouni?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> John Hunter wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:16 PM, mtcoder <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> testode.rk45.a0.99.eps1e-07.pdf . This comes from a completely
>>>>>>>> deterministic
>>>>>>>> ode. But is looks like I've added a tiny amount of noise.
>>>>>>>> On a technical note, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04, python2.5.1,
>>>>>>>> matplotlib0.91.2
>>>>>>>> (with GTKAgg backend).
>>>>>>>> (Hopefully I didn't miss a similar question--and solution--elsewhere
>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>> forum.)
>>>>>>> My guess is that you may be seeing the antialiasing of your pdf
>>>>>>> renderer.  matplotlib has a pretty good antialiasing renderer for the
>>>>>>> screen display (antigrain) but your mileage may vary for your pdf
>>>>>>> renderer.  Since pdf is a vector output, we have no control over the
>>>>>>> renderering.  What pdf viewer are you using?  The best way for us to
>>>>>>> see what you are seeing is to take a PNG screenshot of your PDF file
>>>>>>> displayed in your viewer and then post the PNG.  Ie, here is what I
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> seeing in the Preview app: the fuzziness is from the antialiasing,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> I am used to seeing this.
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>>> --
>>> Michael Droettboom
>>> Science Software Branch
>>> Operations and Engineering Division
>>> Space Telescope Science Institute
>>> Operated by AURA for NASA
> --
> Michael Droettboom
> Science Software Branch
> Operations and Engineering Division
> Space Telescope Science Institute
> Operated by AURA for NASA

PhD Candidate
Department of Mathematics
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT

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