On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM, John Hunter <jdh2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Jeremy Conlin <jerem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am using Mac OS X 10.5.5 and have installed Enthought's latest Python
>> distribution which includes Matplotlib 0.98.3.  I get a fatal python error
>> whenever I try to import matplotlib.pyplot.  The exact message I get is:
>> Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
>> Abort trap
>> Has anyone else had a problem with this?  Please help me because I can't
>> do any plotting until it's fixed!
> So you haven't installed matplotlib or wxpython separately?  This error can
> arise when the version of python that built the extension is not the same as
> the version of python you are running.  I suggest making sure you have a
> clean install of enthought python (remove the install dir entirely),
> reinstall it, and if you still see the same problem report it on the
> enthought list because it looks like a build problem more than a matplotlib
> problem.

I did not install matplotlib seperately.  A while back I did play with
wxpython and wxwidgets, but my Python script that uses those libraries still
work well.  I did just reinstall my enthought python this morning when I was
having these problems.  I didn't delete anything before installing, I just
assumed it would overwrite the old/bad stuff.

> Before you report, you may want to do some extra diagnostics.  Eg create a
> script like
>   import matplotlib
>   matplotlib.use('Agg')
>   import matplotlib.pyplot
> and try running this script, replacing 'Agg' with 'PS', 'PDF', 'TkAgg' and
> 'WXAgg' and noting whether all fail in the same way, or if only some do.

Now this was a good idea.  Every backend worked except TkAgg which was my
default specified in my ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc file.

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