Christopher Barker wrote:
> Gökhan SEVER wrote:
>> You may add these two lines:
>> fig = plt.figure()
>> fig.clear()
> I thought I'd tried that (at least I'd tries plt.clf() ), but indeed, 
> that takes care of it. I'm a bit confused as to why that is necessary, 
> but at least it's working for me.

oops, no it doesn't -- what that does is give me a new figure each time, 
so I get a big stack of them. So I tried:

fig = plt.figure(1)

then I didn't get a new figure, but I didn't get the figure updated, 
either -- could this be a back-end bug? I'm using wxAgg, and IIRC, the 
refreshing code is pretty messed up..

Off to try TK


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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