Todd Pataky wrote:
> I'm using the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD_Py25) and I enter  
> IPython with the command: "ipython".


> This problem does not occur if I use EPD's PyLab (i.e. "ipython - 
> pylab"). Does anyone know why?

because the whole point of the "pylab" flag to ipython is to tell 
ipython to start up the MPL plotting stuff in separate thread so that it 
can work like you want it to. If you don't' use that flag, then each 
call to pyplot tries to start up a new app, ,but the old one is still 
running, hence you problems.

ipython itself can be used for all sort of things that have nothing to 
do with matplotlib, so that's not its default behavior.

Just use ipython -pylab if you want to do interactive plotting, that's 
what it's for.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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