Thank You,
I think I have a better understanding. In my figure, there are six axes,
three for the plots: grid[i] and three for their colorbars:
I changed my code as you suggested and got something like:
[image: UKM0g.png]
I tried all sorts of things, but finally, by setting aspect=False I got it
to work. In the documentation, the table says this defaults to True and the
explanation of aspect below says it defaults to False. Although I don't
entirely understand what is going on, I think this threw me off.
So then I had this:
[image: 84Kna.png]
... which looks much better, except that there are two sets of x and y axis
labels? This seems to have something to do with the colorbar. I've got:
                    label_mode = "L",

Now I'm trying to get scales and labels on my colorbars.
I tried:
for i,parameter in enumerate(z_dim):
    ax = my_grid[i].pcolor(x_grid,y_grid,z_dim[parameter]) # This is the
pcolor plot
    my_grid[i].set_ylabel('Depth') # Correctly puts a y label on every plot.
    cb = my_grid.cbar_axes[i].colorbar(ax) # Puts in a colorbar for this
    cb.set_ylabel(parameter) #It would be nice if this was on the far right
next to the colorbar. I don't see it anywhere. Perhaps underneath something?
[image: DPkWz.png]
It looks like perhaps the colorbar axes is inside the ax axes rather than
besides it?
In the 
how would you put a scale and label on the colorbar like in this
[image: 58dFK.png]
I can put a y_label on each contour plot, but since they all have depth, I'd
like to label this only once.
Is there a way to label the entire AxesGrid (or is that subplot?)?

Thank you very much for your help,


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Jae-Joon Lee <> wrote:

> This happens because, when the AxesGrid is created, gca() is set to the
> last axes, which is the last colobar axes.
> If you use axes_grid toolkit, you'd better not use pyplot command that
> works on axes. Instead, use axes method directly.
> For example, instead of  "pyplot.pcolor(..)" , use "ax.pcolor(..)".
> Regards,
> -JJ
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Ryan Neve <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to use AxesGrid but I'm running into a problem:
>> I can plot a single pcolor plot:
>> [image: 58dFK.png]
>> But when I try to use AxesGrid, my pcolor plot is ending up where I expect
>> my colorbar to be.
>> [image: mEbTA.png]
>> I want to have up to 6 of these plots stacked vertically, sharing a common
>> time axis and y (depth) scale.
>> I'll try to simplify my code to show what I'm doing:
>> # I have arrays x_grid and y_grid for time and water depth.
>> # z_dim is a dictionary of arrays (one for each plot)
>> # In the plot above it has two arrays.
>> from matplotlib import pyplot
>> nrows = len(z_dim) # Number of rows is the number of arrays
>> My_figure = pyplot.figure(1,(8,8))
>> my_grid = AxesGrid(My_figure, 111, #Is this always 111?
>>                 nrows_ncols = (nrows,1), # Always one column
>>                 axes_pad = 0.1,
>>                 add_all=True,
>>                 share_all=True, # They all share the same time and depth
>> scales
>>                 label_mode = "L",
>>                 cbar_location="right",
>>                 cbar_mode="each",
>>                 cbar_size="7%",
>>                 cbar_pad="2%",
>>                 )
>> for row_no,parameter in enumerate(z_dim):
>>     ax = my_grid[row_no]
>>     ax = pyplot.pcolor(x_grid,y_grid,z_dim[parameter])
>> pyplot.draw()
>> I eventually want to end up with something like this matlab output (which
>> I didn't generate):
>> [image: jiIaK.png]
>> but without the duplication of x scales.
>> I'm new to pyplot and even after reading the documentation much of this is
>> baffling.
>> -Ryan
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