On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Ryan Neve <ryan.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Than you for your assistance with AxesGrid.
> Concerning the documentation, on this page:
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.htmit 
> says:
>    Name Default Description  aspect True aspect of axes
> then a few lines below:
> "*aspect*By default (False), widths and heigths of axes in the grid are
> scaled independently. If True, they are scaled according to their data
> limits (similar to aspect parameter in mpl)."
> **

Thanks a lot.
This need to be fixed.

> *Here is a more complete example of my code:
> *In the following code, x_grid and y_grid are are arrays created by
> meshgrid and represent time and water depth respectively.
> z_dim is a dictionary of one or more arrays of sensor readings
> corresponding to the depths and times in x_grid and y_grid.
Please, "more" complete example does not make any difference unless it is

Try the following code. This is based on the first part of your example. It
will show empty axes but without extra ticklabels. Again, I think an extra
axes is added to the figure somewhere in your code. And, without a complete,
runnable (but simple) code, there is not much I (or others) can help.


from matplotlib import pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid

nrows = 3
DAP_figure = pyplot.figure(1,(20,8))
# Create a grid of axes with the AxesGrid helper class
my_grid = AxesGrid(DAP_figure, 111, # Only one grid in this figure
                nrows_ncols = (nrows,1), # one or more rows, but only one
                axes_pad = 0.0, #pad between axes in inches
                aspect=False, # If True, all plots are superimposed upon one
                add_all=True, # not sure why this would ever be False
                share_all=True, # I think this means that all axes have the
same x & y scales
                label_mode = "L", # labels for depth on left and time on
                cbar_mode="each", # each axes has a different scale

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