On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:57 PM, C M <cmpyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
> > Andrew Kelly wrote:
> >> Has anyone had any success in speeding up the mpl imports?
> >>
> >> "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
> >> ( or "from matplotlib.figure import Figure")
> >>
> >> takes 6 full seconds to load.  That seems excessive.  Any ideas?
> >>
> >> -Andy
> >
> > Andy,
> >
> > A couple replies came back directly to me (probably intended for the
> > list, though), and both reported results similar to yours, on Windows
> > machines only.  What OS and version are you running?
> Sorry Eric, that was indeed intended for the list.  Just for the
> list's sake, I'll repeat it:
> It takes longer than any other Python module for me, too, about 5-6
> seconds on a "cold" load (on Windows), though faster on a "warm" load.
>  I am running it locally on a laptop that is 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium
> laptop with 1Meg RAM.
> And I should add:  I don't currently have Linux installed, but will
> soon again I hope, and I will take note of how long it takes on Linux.
> Thanks,
> Che

This is Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5Ghz with 4GB Ram.

Platform     :
Python       : ('CPython', 'tags/r262', '71600')
IPython      : 0.10
Matplotlib   : 1.0.svn.rev8214

I[2]: %time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
CPU times: user 0.35 s, sys: 0.09 s, total: 0.43 s
Wall time: 1.18 s

My test-bed is IPython -pylab and the first load always takes longer.
Probably it's caching at the first time to speed-up later imports.

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