On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu> wrote:

> My gut says it's probably the GUI framework import that is dominating
> the time.  Which backend are you using?  Does importing it take a large
> amount of time as well?
> Can you provide a profiler output file we can examine to narrow it
> down?  The following from a command prompt should be sufficient to write
> out a file called "import.prof":
>  python.exe -c "import cProfile; prof=cProfile.Profile();
> prof.run('import pylab', 'import.prof')"
> Mike

Just for the records,

It reads as:

python -c "import cProfile; cProfile.run('import pylab',

in Python 2.6.2

These helped me to load the profile output:

import pstats
stats = pstats.Stats("test.out")

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