On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Mauro Cavalcanti <mauro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As I posted before, I ran across precisely these same errors when
> upgrading my Ubuntu box and the Python interpreter. You will need to
> install other dependencies as the installation log shows (gtk-2.0+,
> pygtk), including its development versions.

Can someone explain why I was able to have matplotlib 0.99 installed
previously, and can easily have 0.98 installed through Synaptic/Ubuntu
repositories, and yet have to hunt down the additional dependencies
myself if I install from svn?  I can't recall if I installed 0.99
through a third party repository or how I got it, but the point is:
is the svn version going to be different than what one gets through a

Is this need to install dependencies usually the case when installing
from svn?--and if so, can I suggest that this be mentioned in the
online documentation? (perhaps it is and I didn't see it?).

> And yes, distributing a packaged Python application which uses
> Matplotlib (either for Linux or Windows) is *not* an easy and simple
> matter. But with patience, it is possible.

On Windows I've found it is close to  easy once you know to include
the matplotlib data files in your py2exe script (also, using GUI2Exe
helps with this a great deal).  What are the (basic) steps for doing
this on Linux?  I was thinking of using cx_freeze or something to
package everything up on Linux.

Thank you,

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