On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Russell Owen <ro...@uw.edu> wrote:

> I would be happy to make the Mac binary builds for matplotlib (at least the 
> ones I know how to make -- for python.org 32-bit).
> I personally suggest not building Mac eggs -- at least until easy_install 
> gets really cleaned up. Right now it tends to try to download stuff it has no 
> business downloading and it doesn't check for compatibility. The binary 
> installer is much safer. But if you insist and have easy instructions I will 
> do it.

I won't insist -- I have personally found eggs are more trouble than
their worth.  Others may ask for them, so we can deal with this on as
as needed basis.

> I suspect I didn't fully answer your question, but I'm not sure what else you 
> want to know so I'll ask you to rephrase any remaining issues.

You answered my two questions: should we build eggs (no) and will you
do the builds (yes).  Perfect.

> I'm a bit worried about what will happen when I eventually upgrade my work 
> computer to 10.6 (it's our last remaining 10.5 machine at the moment). But 
> since I have ready access to 10.6 computers I should see if I can do a 
> working build on 10.6 with the binaries I already created on 10.5. (That is 
> likely to work, and may save a lot of trouble -- at least until those 
> versions of libfreetype, etc. get old enough to need upgrading). I don't see 
> myself going to 64-bit for a long time since I have to keep my work machine 
> as compatible as possible.

If need be, perhaps I can do the 10.6 64 bit binaries on the sage
machine.  I just need to figure out the apple python vs python.org
python problem on that platform.

> It is very exciting to hear that matplotlib 1.0 is so close.

Yep -- long time coming :-)

Thanks for your help,

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