
On my Macbook Pro I use Python 2.6 as provided by the Enthought Python  
Distribution. I ran into some problem with Axes3D so I decided to  
upgrade to the latest version from source. While trying that I got a  
similiar error message as discussed in


i.e. error: png.h: No such file or directory

In short matplotlib could not find libpng (or png.h from that). I had  
libpng installed via fink in the usual place /sw/include etc. This  
seems to be a quite natural choice, so I wondered why matplotlib does  
not find that out of the box. Following the tips in the above post I  
looked at basedir in setupext.py For some reason the basedirs for  
darwin where commented out. Uncommenting the basedirs did the trick  
for me [1] and matplotlib happily installed with the libpng from fink.

Hope this will help other mac users. Thanks for the great work on  



[1] Here the relevant lines for setupext.py

     'darwin' : ['/sw/lib/freetype2', '/sw/lib/freetype219', '/usr/ 
                 '/usr', '/sw'],
     # it appears builds with darwin are broken because of all the
     # different flags the deps can be compile with, so I am pushing
     # people to :
     #   make -f make.osx fetch deps mpl_build mpl_install

     #'_darwin' : [],

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