
I have now been tampering with a custom formatter and the more i think about it 
the more i feel there must be a more easy soulution. I have a set of values 
that are plotted over time (i use date2num, to get the conversion from date to 
num), i also have a list with dates that corresponds to these values;
['2010-11-05 10:27:45.605000', '2010-11-05 10:27:50.576000', '2010-11-05 
10:27:55.913000'], this to not have to do a conversion back, i imagine its the 
most effective way to do it. 

Now to the question; 

The only two values in the datelist that is vital is the first and the last, in 
between i really just want to have values that corresponds lineary. Thats 
brings me to resoulution, if the values are far far in between, say weeks or 
even moth the time (h:s:ms) isnt so important and vice versa.

Is there any formatter that do this sort of things? eg. takes in two 
values(dates) and format it by itself.

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