On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Benjamin Root <ben.r...@ou.edu> wrote:

> Interesting analysis.  One possible source of a leak would be some sort of
> dangling reference that still hangs around even though the plot objects have
> been cleared.  By the time of the matplotlib 1.0.0 release, we did seem to
> clear out pretty much all of these, but it is possible there are still some
> lurking about.  We should probably run your script against the latest svn to
> see how the results compare.

In our experience, many of the GUI backends have some leak, and these
are in the GUI and not in mpl.  Caleb, can you see if you can
replicate the leak with your example code using the agg backend (no
GUI).  If so, could you post the code that exposes the leak.  if not,
I'm afraid it is in wx and you might need to deal with the wx


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