On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Michael Droettboom <md...@stsci.edu> wrote:
> On 04/20/2011 11:27 AM, Caleb Constantine wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Michael Droettboom<md...@stsci.edu>  wrote:
>>> On 04/20/2011 07:48 AM, Caleb Constantine wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Michael Droettboom<md...@stsci.edu>    
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ok.  I have a RHEL5 Linux box with Python 2.7.1.
>>>>> With Numpy 1.4.1 and 1.5.1 I don't see any leaks.  With Numpy git HEAD,
>>>>> I did see a leak -- I submitted a pull request to Numpy here:
>>>>>     https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/76
>>>>> I get the same results (no leaks) running your wx, tk and agg scripts
>>>>> (with the Windows-specific stuff removed).
>>>>> FWIW, I have wxPython and Tkinter rev 81008.
>>>>> So the variables are the platform and the version of Python.  Perhaps
>>>>> it's one of those two things?
>>>>> Mike
>>>> Consider the following:
>>>>        matplotlib 1.0.1, numpy 1.5.1, python 2.7.1, wxPython,
>>>> Windows XP SP3
>>>>        - 1 hour
>>>>        - Plotted 3601 times, about 1Hz
>>>>        - Memory usage increased by about 1.16MB (41.39 - 40.23), or
>>>> about 0.33K per redraw
>>>> It seems the same memory leak exists. Given you don't have this issue
>>>> on Linux with the same Python configuration, I can only assume it is
>>>> related to some Windows specific code somewhere. I'll run for a longer
>>>> period of time just in case, but I don't expect the results to be
>>>> different.
>>> One way to rule out Windows-specific code may be to run with the Agg
>>> backend only (without wx).  Have you plotted the memory growth?  This
>>> amount of memory growth is well within the pool allocation sizes that
>>> Python routinely uses.  Does the value of len(gc.get_objects()) grow
>>> over time?
>> New results follows.
>> matplotlib 1.0.1, numpy 1.5.1, python 2.7.1, wxPython, Windows XP 
>> SP3
>> agg
>> - 3601 redraws (1 hour), about 1Hz
>> - Memory usage: 28.79 - 27.57 = 1.22 MB
>> - len(gc.get_objects()): 23424 at beginning and end
>> - Plot of memory growth: roughly linear, increasing with slope of 0.26KB
>> tkagg
>> - 3601 redraws (1 hour), about 1Hz
>> - Memory usage: 33.22 - 33.32 = -0.1 MB
>> - len(gc.get_objects()): 24182 at beginning and end
>> - Plot of memory growth: very irregular (up and down), but a line fit
>>    has a slope of about 0.025KB (I could run longer and see if slope
>> approaches 0)
>> wxagg
>> - 3601 redraws (1 hour), about 1Hz
>> - Memory usage: 43.28 - 41.80 = 1.5 MB
>> - len(gc.get_objects()): 41473 at beginning and end
>> - Plot of memory growth: roughly linear, increasing with slope of 0.32KB
> Thanks.  These are very useful results.
> The fact that gc.get_objects() remains constant suggests to me that this
> is not a simple case of holding on to a Python reference longer than we
> intend to.  Instead, this is either a C-side reference counting bug, or
> a genuine C malloc-and-never-free bug.  Puzzlingly, valgrind usually
> does a very good job of finding such bugs, but is turning up nothing for
> me.  Will have to scratch my head a little bit longer and see if I can
> come up with a proper experiment that will help me get to the bottom of
> this.

For completeness, I ran more tests over a 10 hour period at an
increased redraw rate. Details follows. Note tkagg memory usage is
flat, agg and wxagg are not.

matplotlib 1.0.1, numpy 1.5.1, python 2.7.1, wxPython, Windows XP SP3

- 52214 redraws
- Memory usage: 27.55 - 43.46 = 15.22 MB
- len(gc.get_objects()): 23424 at beginning and end
- Plot of memory growth: linear, increasing with slope of 0.31KB

- 71379 redraws
- Memory usage: 30.47 - 30.25 = 0.22 MB
- len(gc.get_objects()): 24171 at beginning, 24182 at end, but mostly
  constant at 24182
- Plot of memory growth: very irregular (up and down), but a line fit
  has a slope of about 0.0002KB.

- 72001 redraws
- Memory usage: 62.08 - 40.10 = 21.98 MB
- len(gc.get_objects()): 41473 at beginning and end
- Plot of memory growth: linear, increasing with slope of 0.31KB

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