On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2011, Benjamin Root wrote:
>> I only need the last line printed by that print statement.  I want to see
>> how the parsing failed.
> Ben,
>   Here are the last 3:
> Line: C 125 ; WX 273 ; N braceright ; B 55 -68 244 707 ;
> Line: C 126 ; WX 586 ; N asciitilde ; B 39 219 531 408 ;
> Line: C 127 ; WX 262 ; N  ; B 64 506 246 730 ;
>   I see there's no character in the last line. Isn't that interesting!

What's weirder, is that 127 is a control character (Delete), and not
meant to be a printable character.

Maybe you already figured this out in following up with Ben, but if
not, can you 'print fh.name' before the while 1: in
_parse_char_metrics so we find out which .afm file is the culrpit

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