I want to do some corrections and alterations to my last mail, because
it troubles me.

2011/10/21 Friedrich Romstedt <friedrichromst...@gmail.com>:
> I believe the one and only solution would, if thought thru completely,
> unveil that we need functional approach to get better results.  In
> matplotlib, each type of structure is an object of a class, which is
> not callable mostly, and this means, you have to formulate each
> alteration explicitly.  It's not easy in this frame of thinking to get
> the flexibility we in fact want - this might be the reason why mpl is
> so monolithic with all its different kind of Artist objects ... with
> the counterparts in the Renderer objects and so on.

I in fact think the "one and only" solution is a very dangerous deceit.

There might be some advantages of a functional approach, but there are
also severe drawbacks, for instance, that you get rubbish tracebacks
if something goes wrong.

This I just wanted to say to prevent piping errors.


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