On 2013/10/14 7:48 AM, OCuanachain, Oisin (Oisin) wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> ion(), ioff() are useful to get immediate feedback when developing a
> script, when it is fully debugged I then increase the number of
> iterations and leave it running over the weekend. At that point I could
> obviously also have removed ion(), ioff() but given that I had no idea
> that this was necessary my sim crashed and I lost a weekend’s worth of
> sim time. Anyway, whether or not ion(),ioff() are needed in this
> particular script is really besides the point. If the script, however
> unusual, is revealing a bug in matplotlib it should be logged so that it
> can hopefully be fixed.
> Oisín


Certainly we want to find and fix bugs, with memory leaks being high 
priority. (I don't think we have seen a genuine mpl memory leak for 
quite a while; I am not aware of any at present.) We are not trying to 
maintain old mpl versions such as 1.0.1, however.  You are using the emf 
backend, which has been removed.  Therefore, unless you can reproduce 
the problem with mpl 1.3.x or 1.4.x in a SSCCE (http://sscce.org/), it 
is unlikely that your report will lead to a bug fix.  Perhaps it will 
lead to some useful insight, however.

I see someone has suggested that the problem might be in Windows. 
Another possibility is that it is in TkAgg, which I suspect is your 
default interactive backend.  I dimly recall that there was a time when 
TkAgg could leak memory, but I don't remember whether that was fixed by 
1.0.1 or not.


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