On 2013/10/14 8:26 AM, OCuanachain, Oisin (Oisin) wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> If .emf is no longer supported in current versions of matplotlib is
> there an alternative SVG-type format I can use ? I use .emf because I
> find that it tends to produce the clearest plots independent of how I
> re-size them when imported into documents. If memory serves I used to
> have a lot of problems with legibility when using raster-type formats
> like .png. If I get a chance I will try installing an up-to-date
> version of matplotlib and see if I can re-produce the behaviour.
> Oisin.


The ps, pdf, and svg vector formats are fully supported.  (Postscript 
inherently lacks support for transparency, though, so pdf and svg are 


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