I think each MU here (for PMIN, PMAX, VMIN, etc.) is one component of
the Lagrangian multiplier  μ in equation (A.32) in Appendix A. It is
called Kuhn-Tucker multiplier, also known as shadow price. Am I right,

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Ray Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> 1. runmarket uses the offers and bids to determine the PMAX and PMIN from
> generators and dispatchable loads respectively. So if you have a PMIN value
> of -100 MW in the case file (for a dispatchable load) and you submit bid
> quantities totaling 80 MW, it will set PMIN to -80 before calling the OPF to
> solve for the market solution.
> 2, 3 and 4. I'm not sure why you think they are computed differently. All of
> the shadow prices on constraints are computed the same way. All of them are
> sensitivities of the objective to the constraint in question and all are
> computed internally by the non-linear solver being used. As I mentioned in
> my first response to you, in the case of the default MIPS solver, they are
> included in the mu variable in equation (A.32) in Appendix A. The values are
> computed in mips.m.
> --
> Ray Zimmerman
> Senior Research Associate
> 419A Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
> phone: (607) 255-9645
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Carol Francesca wrote:
> Thank you.
> My questions are introduced as follows:
> 1.The value of Pmin in the case file and in the results are different while
> they have to be the same. Why they are different when I am doing runmarket?
> 2. The value MU_Pmin for dispatachable load and generators are computed in
> different way, i.e. for generators it is calculated as explained in the
> manual while for the dispatchable loads I don't know how they are
> calculated. I want to know this(when I am doing runmarket).
> 3. How MU_Pmax is calculated?
> 4. Also, for voltage how they are calculated (MU_Vmin&max when I am doing
> runmarket)
> I am so sorry for asking many questions.
> Best Regards
> C.F.
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 21:28, Ray Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>> PMIN is a lower limit on the amount of generation PG in MW. This is an
>> input value set in the case file. The value of MU_PMIN is the sensitivity of
>> the objective to this constraint, a shadow price computed by the
>> optimization. Similarly for PMAX and MU_PMAX. If you don't understand shadow
>> prices you will need to get that from a course or book on optimization
>> theory.
>> When using the smart market code (runmarket.m) PMIN (for loads) and PMAX
>> (for generators) are modified according to the bid and offered quantities
>> before calling the OPF.
>> Does that help?
>> --
>> Ray Zimmerman
>> Senior Research Associate
>> 419A Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
>> phone: (607) 255-9645
>> On Mar 29, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Carol Francesca wrote:
>> Thank you for your response.
>> My problem is the first: I don't understand how PMIN is computed in the
>> result(it is different from the Pmin set in the case file)? MU_PMAX?
>> MU_PMin for dispatchable loads and generators are calculated in a
>> different way. I cannot understand this also why?
>> Could you please explain these?
>> Best Regards
>> Carol Francesca
>> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 17:10, Ray Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>>> Are you saying you do not understand what a shadow price on a constraint
>>> is? Or that you do not understand a specific optimization algorithm (such as
>>> the interior point method used by MIPS) and how these multipliers are
>>> computed?
>>> If it is the first, I will just say, it is the sensitivity of the
>>> objective function to the constraint. In other words, in the case of
>>> MU_PMIN, for example, a shadow price of $X/MW means that the objective
>>> function would decrease by $X*Y if you were to relax the PMIN limit by Y MW
>>> for some tiny value of Y.
>>> If it is the second, I suggest that you take a course or read a book on
>>> non-linear optimization. The algorithmic details of how these shadow prices
>>> are actually computed is different for each algorithm and beyond the scope
>>> of what I can explain in an e-mail.
>>> --
>>> Ray Zimmerman
>>> Senior Research Associate
>>> 419A Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
>>> phone: (607) 255-9645
>>> On Mar 28, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Carol Francesca wrote:
>>> Dear Dr. Zimmerman,
>>> I read the manual but I didn't understand how Pmin mu for dispatchable
>>> loads as well as Pmax for generators are calculated. I really confused. If
>>> it is possible please explain, because It is not clear for me how it has
>>> been computed.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Carol Francesca
>>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 15:16, Ray Zimmerman <r...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>>>> MU_PMIN and MU_QMIN are shadow prices on the minimum generation limits
>>>> for real and reactive power. Constraint shadow prices, also called
>>>> Kuhn-Tucker multipliers, are a standard output of most all constrained
>>>> optimization solvers. See any book on constrained optimization for a
>>>> description of their meaning and how they are computed for any given
>>>> algorithm.
>>>> In MATPOWER, the shadow prices are computed by whichever solver is used.
>>>> For example, in the case of the default MIPS solver, they are included in
>>>> the mu variable in equation (A.32) in Appendix A. The value is computed in
>>>> mips.m.
>>>> I should probably mention also that in the case of trapezoidal generator
>>>> capability curves (see Section 5.4.3 in the manual), if one of the sloped
>>>> portions of the curve is binding, its shadow price is decomposed into
>>>> components for the corresponding real and reactive limits.
>>>> --
>>>> Ray Zimmerman
>>>> Senior Research Associate
>>>> 419A Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
>>>> phone: (607) 255-9645
>>>> On Mar 25, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Carol Francesca wrote:
>>>> Dear  Prof. Zimmerman,
>>>> I have a question:
>>>> When I do runmarkt sometimes price and Lambdas are not equal and its
>>>> because of network congestion and losses.
>>>> In MATPOWER, how MU_PMIN and MU_QMIN are calculated? Could you please
>>>> address the m.file which calculates these?
>>>> How they affect the prices? There is no sufficient explanation about it
>>>> in the manual. I am sorry but I cannot understand how they are calculated.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Carol

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