what name type matlab program   can run this  my matlab R2013a  dont's run

On 26 October 2016 at 07:26, Saranya A <asar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Nur,
> Dont divide R and X with the voltage. I get the following power flow
> without those two lines.
> ------------
> runpf('LV10')
> MATPOWER Version 6.0b1, 01-Jun-2016 -- AC Power Flow (Newton)
> Newton's method power flow converged in 5 iterations.
> Converged in 0.02 seconds
> ============================================================
> ====================
> |     System Summary
>     |
> ============================================================
> ====================
> How many?                How much?              P (MW)            Q (MVAr)
> ---------------------    -------------------  -------------
>  -----------------
> Buses             12     Total Gen Capacity     261.0        -302.0 to
> 302.0
> Generators        11     On-line Capacity       250.0        -300.0 to
> 300.0
> Committed Gens     1     Generation (actual)      1.2               0.5
> Loads             10     Load                     1.0               0.3
>   Fixed           10       Fixed                  1.0               0.3
>   Dispatchable     0       Dispatchable          -0.0 of -0.0      -0.0
> Shunts             0     Shunt (inj)             -0.0               0.0
> Branches          11     Losses (I^2 * Z)         0.23              0.16
> Transformers       0     Branch Charging (inj)     -                0.0
> Inter-ties         0     Total Inter-tie Flow     0.0               0.0
> Areas              1
>                           Minimum                      Maximum
>                  -------------------------  -----------------------------
> ---
> Voltage Magnitude   0.717 p.u. @ bus 11         1.000 p.u. @ bus 1
> Voltage Angle      -5.40 deg   @ bus 11         0.00 deg   @ bus 1
> P Losses (I^2*R)             -                  0.06 MW    @ line 1-2
> Q Losses (I^2*X)             -                  0.04 MVAr  @ line 1-2
> ============================================================
> ====================
> |     Bus Data
>     |
> ============================================================
> ====================
>  Bus      Voltage          Generation             Load
>   #   Mag(pu) Ang(deg)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)
> ----- ------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
>     1  1.000    0.000*     1.23      0.46       -         -
>     2  0.950   -0.744       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     3  0.905   -1.483       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     4  0.864   -2.206       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     5  0.828   -2.898       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     6  0.797   -3.541       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     7  0.770   -4.116       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     8  0.749   -4.607       -         -        0.10      0.03
>     9  0.733   -4.993       -         -        0.10      0.03
>    10  0.722   -5.260       -         -        0.10      0.03
>    11  0.717   -5.397       -         -        0.10      0.03
>    12  1.000    0.000       -         -         -         -
>                         --------  --------  --------  --------
>                Total:      1.23      0.46      1.00      0.30
> ============================================================
> ====================
> |     Branch Data
>      |
> ============================================================
> ====================
> Brnch   From   To    From Bus Injection   To Bus Injection     Loss (I^2 *
> Z)
>   #     Bus    Bus    P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q (MVAr)   P (MW)   Q
> (MVAr)
> -----  -----  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
>  --------
>    1      1      2      1.23      0.46     -1.17     -0.42     0.055
>  0.04
>    2      2      3      1.07      0.39     -1.03     -0.36     0.046
>  0.03
>    3      3      4      0.93      0.33     -0.89     -0.30     0.038
>  0.03
>    4      4      5      0.79      0.27     -0.76     -0.25     0.030
>  0.02
>    5      5      6      0.66      0.22     -0.64     -0.20     0.023
>  0.02
>    6      6      7      0.54      0.17     -0.52     -0.16     0.016
>  0.01
>    7      7      8      0.42      0.13     -0.41     -0.13     0.011
>  0.01
>    8      8      9      0.31      0.10     -0.30     -0.09     0.006
>  0.00
>    9      9     10      0.20      0.06     -0.20     -0.06     0.003
>  0.00
>   10     10     11      0.10      0.03     -0.10     -0.03     0.001
>  0.00
>   11      1     12      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     0.000
>  0.00
>                                                              --------
>  --------
>                                                     Total:     0.228
>  0.16
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Nazurah Nasir <nurnazu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all MatPower community,
>> I am trying to develop a simple LV network in radial network
>> distribution. However, my model did not converge or if I scale the R and X,
>> the results is too big (which means the R,X) scaling is wrong. I tried for
>> one month now but still could get around why it is not converging.
>> I need to work on this PowerFlow to work inside my bilevel programming
>> loop. but it seems my code won't work because the power flow is not
>> converging.
>> I need help on verifying my parameter. Attached is my code that I build.
>> As the MatPower is in three phase balanced, I lumped my loads that
>> connected to a bus as one load, hence the voltage at the bus is 0.415kV. My
>> input power are all in kW, hence I change the impedance values accordingly
>> by multiplying it by 1000. The input power is just a dummy value of 0.1MW
>> because it will update itself in a loop. But since input power is in kW, I
>> should divide that by 1000 right?
>> Thank you so much for the help.
>> Best regards,
>> Nur

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