Therein lies the problem.  Your optimization procedure, as formulated, has no say on the resulting voltages.   I can think of two suggestions for dealing with this:

1) Instead of a power flow, use an OPF with all non-slack generators' active power outputs fixed to whatever values were assigned by the optimization algorithm at the current iteration (set Pmin=Pg=Pmax for those generators).  What this will do is essentially a reactive redispatch which will try to comply with voltage limits, generation limits and transmission limits.  You can expect the slack generation to vary a little bit to compensate for the differing amount of losses.

2) Include the reactive generation variables in your formulation and continue using a simple load flow.


Mohamed Shaheen wrote:
No, I don't

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 1:24 AM Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez < wrote:
Do you include reactive generation in the decision variables of your formulation?  If you don't, then your optimization algorithm does not really have much impact on voltages.


Mohamed Shaheen wrote:
I'm currently using penalty functions with GA and Tree-Seed, But after running Tree-Seed algorithm including 'runpf' inside, All solutions have violations and the algorithm chooses the minimum of these solutions which is also a false solution. 

On Sat, 9 Feb 2019 at 15:42, Carlos E Murillo-Sanchez <> wrote:
Rather, it seems that your optimization method should take into account any constraint violation and fix the issue by itself.  In some methods, such as GA, one way to do this is by using penalty functions on constraint violations.


Mohamed Shaheen wrote:
I need to enforce limits, but I aim to get the optimal solution and best parameters using another optimization method called 'Tree Seed' and compare it with 'Genetic Algorithm' after running normal power flow, So I'm not seeking the optimal solution using Matpower itself.
Can Matpower help to do this? 

On Fri, 8 Feb 2019 at 23:53, Ray Zimmerman <> wrote:
The power flow problem solved by runpf does not take into account voltage limits. If you need to enforce limits, you can use an appropriately constrained OPF.

In this case, it just so happens that the initial voltage specified for bus 31 in the case57.m file happens to be the voltage at the power flow solution.


On Feb 8, 2019, at 2:54 PM, Mohamed Shaheen <> wrote:

Dear Sir,

Regarding the case57, the voltage of bus 31 is 0.936 p.u which is less than the min. limit of bus voltage (0.94). Every time I run 'runpf', the voltage value is 0.936 and it doesn't change although it is a PQ bus.
I need your help, please.   

Mohamed Shaheen.

Msc. student at Ain Shams University in Egypt
Teaching Assistant in Future University in Egypt

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