The 'chgtype' field cannot be CT_REP (1, for replacement). It needs to be either CT_REL (2, for scaling) or CT_ADD (3, for shifting).
Ray On Apr 25, 2022, at 1:12 PM, Diego Feroldi <<>> wrote: Dear Ray, Thank you very much for the quick answer! Unfortunately, I tried what you suggested but I get the following error message: Error using apply_changes (line 190) apply_changes: unsupported modification type 1 for gencost table CT_MODCOST_F/X modification It may be that some other field needs to be set in addition to 'table' and 'col'? Diego El lun, 25 abr 2022 a las 14:02, Ray Daniel Zimmerman (<<>>) escribió: Hi Diego, You should be able to do it just like any other profile (e.g. see ex_wind_profile.m and ex_load_profile.m), except you would set the 'table' field to CT_TGENCOST and the 'col' field to either CT_MODCOST_F or CT_MODCOST_X. See Section 9.3.5 in the MATPOWER User’s Manual<> for more details about the types of modifications that can be made by apply_changes() and therefore by a MOST profile. Hope this helps, Ray On Apr 25, 2022, at 9:09 AM, Diego Feroldi <<>> wrote: Hi everyone, I am trying to incorporate a time-varying energy cost profile (gencost) into an economic dispatch problem. I can't find the way to enter the profile into the MOST problem. Could someone give me some idea or let me know if it is not possible? Thanks in advance for any feedback, Best regards, Diego -- Diego Feroldi -- Diego Feroldi