In addition to Scott's instructions, if you're using the JDK 1.3, you'll
have to add the JAXP classes to your environment.  Put the
maverick/lib/jaxp.jar in your tomcat/lib directory.  If you are using
XSLT, you'll need a processor as well; the latest Xalan release
(download separately) works fine.

The JDK 1.4 has both the JAXP and Xalan classes in the standard

If this doesn't work, let us know what the error is.

Jeff Schnitzer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Hernandez
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:15 AM
> To: 'mav-user'
> Subject: [Mav-user] Howto: Getting the JSP Example Working
> Here is a step-by-step for getting the examples working with the Sun
> 1.4 and Tomcat 4.0.3 (JDK 1.4 dist.) on WinXP Pro.
> 1.) Install the 1.4 JDK.
> 2.) Install Tomcat, make sure it is working.
> (For future ref tc = Tomcat install dir)
> Note: I used the "" dist. Expanded it
> to /temp, ran bin/startup.bat, and pointed my browser to
> http://localhost:8080/index.html to test the install.
> 3.) Deploy the example
> (these instructions are also in friendbook-jsp-readme.txt)
>   a.) Get Latest Maverick - 2.0 RC
>   b.) Copy maverick/dist/friendbook-jsp.war to tc/webapps
>   c.) Copy maverick/lib/log4j.jar to tc/lib
> 4.) Restart Tomcat and navigate to
> You will receive the following output:
> Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
> Apache Tomcat/4.0.3
> log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category
> org.infohazard.maverick.Dispatcher).
> log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> Starting service Tomcat-Apache
> Apache Tomcat/4.0.3
> To init the log4j system, read this FAQ:
> HTH,
> Scott
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