Am 27.06.2014 um 17:48 schrieb Michael Diehr <>:

> Hi Christian,
> A few questions:
> 1. Do you have any idea what's the fastest way to get access to the pixel 
> data ARGB (etc.) in a Xojo Picture?  I'm trying to avoid making extra copies 
> of the data, both to avoid the memory usage and the time wasted.  Should 
> PictureMBS be faster or slower than PictureReaderMBS?

PictureMBS does not copy the image in constructor. 
PictureReaderMBS may make a copy if required.
PictureEditorMBS also does not copy.

> 2. Also, the documentation for PictureReaderMBS.Data says  
>  "Changes here will be visible in the picture. (except for platforms where a 
> copy is made of the data)"
>  If I'm using the new-style 32 bit Xojo pictures, do you know for Win32 or 
> Cocoa if the copy is made?

A copy is made for older things like ICNS or PICT based pictures. Or with 
vector pictures.
Or with pictures < 32 bit. But it should not make one for new style pictures.


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