Anton Monroe wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 09:07:38AM +1000, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
>> Egmont Koblinger wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 09:02:44AM +1000, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
>>>> A program which grabs my window, from which I can't tell how to quit? 
>>>> You must be joking.
> It doesn't, and can't, "grab the window".  You had to start it somehow.
> Earlier you said you must have hit a wrong key by accident.  Accidents
> like that happen, but I don't see what the MC developers can do to
> prevent them. (I'm trying to imagine how someone could type 'mcedit <Enter>'
> by accident; clicking on the wrong icon by accident sounds more likely.)
Absolutely.  And I don't know which lot of developers are responsible 
for setting up the desktop so that hitting (presumably) a single key by 
accident can start up this program. But such a program needs to be easy 
to stop.  (And, finally, someone has told me how it's done!)

>> As I believe I said in my original email, I went for the Help function 
>> (bottom left hand corner).  Why was that such a stupid thing to do?
> Well, it's a rather roundabout way of getting there if all you want to
> do is quit.  Most people would have gone for the Quit function (bottom
> right hand corner).  
Yes, thank you.  Unfortunately the Quit function disappears completely 
on a screen 79 characters wide.

Incidentally, my remark in my previous email about the replies to me was 
made before reading your email.

> The program has an exit confirmation that asks "Do you really want to
> quit the Midnight Commander?".  If you are suggesting that it needs a
> confirmation that asks "Do you really want to =start= the Midnight
> Commander", I think that would be going too far.

No, I didn't mean to suggest that.



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