On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 09:07:38AM +1000, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
> Egmont Koblinger wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 09:02:44AM +1000, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
> > 
> >> A program which grabs my window, from which I can't tell how to quit? 
> >> You must be joking.

It doesn't, and can't, "grab the window".  You had to start it somehow.
Earlier you said you must have hit a wrong key by accident.  Accidents
like that happen, but I don't see what the MC developers can do to
prevent them. (I'm trying to imagine how someone could type 'mcedit <Enter>'
by accident; clicking on the wrong icon by accident sounds more likely.)

> As I believe I said in my original email, I went for the Help function 
> (bottom left hand corner).  Why was that such a stupid thing to do?

Well, it's a rather roundabout way of getting there if all you want to
do is quit.  Most people would have gone for the Quit function (bottom
right hand corner).  

> I don't want to use it, as my original email made absolutely clear.
> I had the obviously naive view that developers might want to do 
> something so that other "users" don't have the same experience.
> Some developers are actually aware that what seems obvious to them isn't 
> obvious to the user, so they realise they need user feedback of such things.

As a user myself, I can tell you that user feedback is appreciated here.
I've been reading both MC mailing lists for several years, and I don't
remember any reports of users who couldn't figure out how to quit.  The
main MC screen and the MCedit screen both have a list of function keys
at the bottom with F10 marked 'Quit'. In this case, I think what is
obvious to the developers is also obvious to virtually all of the users.

The program has an exit confirmation that asks "Do you really want to
quit the Midnight Commander?".  If you are suggesting that it needs a
confirmation that asks "Do you really want to =start= the Midnight
Commander", I think that would be going too far.

It sounds like you had a bad day and didn't see something that was right
in front of you.  We've all done that.  What I usually do is slap myself
in the forehead, turn off the computer, and go sulk for a while.
Throwing heavy objects at the monitor is usually a bad idea.

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