Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Jeremy Dawson wrote:
>> Pavel Tsekov wrote:
>>> On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Jeremy Dawson wrote:

> I don't understand how what you describe qualifies as a problem or a bug ?
A program which grabs my window, from which I can't tell how to quit? 
You must be joking.

>>> You must have been living under a rock if you have no idea how to use
>>> a Norton Commander clone. 
>>> It would be nice if the device between the computer moniter and the
>>> chair could actually think.
> I don't tolerate ignorant people.

Where "ignorant" means not familiar with Norton Commander.  This is why 
you're not suited to being a software developer.

None of us knows everything that everybody else knows.  Most of us have 
the sense to realise this.

I'll tell you something you don't know - if you want to learn about 
software which is usable by someone who hasn't been taught how, or 
hasn't previously used a clone of that software, try any of


Jeremy Dawson
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