On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 15:24, <mar...@famic.de> wrote:

> Hi there,
> to me, mcedit is a hidden gem.

For me too. It is so good that I've started to improve it recently. See my
pending patches:

- https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4165
- http://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4169
- http://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4174
- http://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4171

I'm also working on adding a S-Lang scripting to it :) It already works on
my machine. It was really simple, just invoking SLang_init_all() and that
was it, as libslang is already linked :) I have a plugin in it that
implements adding and subtracting from number under cursor, for example.
When I improve the support (e.g.: add some more S-Lang interface functions
that would allow e.g.: moving the view) I submit the patch.

It struck the right balance between ease of use, advanced features and
> simplicity.

Exactly. And IMO with a light scripting engine it could shine even more and
be able to compete with other main editors.

However, I miss an important
> function: The ability to center the current line in the middle of the
> screen.  I could not find it anywhere, maybe someone from the community
> can help?

This is one of the most missed features by me and it was one of the main
things that drove me to contribute to mc. Seeing that someone shares my
view, I'll not wait until the scripting engine will be ready and I'll
implement the centering in C ("CenterView", perhaps, for the name of the
command?). It'll be there soon :)

Sebastian Gniazdowski
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