Just to poke a little...  :)

> 5) Regardless of merit, having 2 classes of computer rather than 1
> creates extra support workload, regardless of which may be better. VHS
> is technically inferior to Betamax, and certainly Philips 2000 (ever
> heard of that?) yet nobody would ever advocate adopting either of the
> latter pair.

Apple = BetaMax?

> 6) While many techs respect MACs, I've never yet met a tech who  
> actually
> advocated for them. Think about that. Frankly, the individuals I've
> encountered who most vociferously advocate for them generally have
> little technical background. As a techie I therefore find it hard to
> find their positions compelling. If I want advice on a well-engineered
> car I'm more likely to listen to a mechanic than a taxi driver.

I do believe this is personal perspective.  Alternately, most of the  
Techie's I know have PC's but also have drifted into using Macs for  
their powerful / intuitive Unix underpinnings.   Many I know think  
Macs are very techy-friendly, especially from a software programming  
point of view.

I think their are a multitude of reasons to go for either PC's or  
Macs.  I think it's a mostly about  satisfying your users and  
integrating with your organizations culture.


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