I should clarify--I wasn't looking for a Museum or Cultural Heritage
site CoP, per se--I love archimuse and several of the others that have
been mentioned here. I was asking specifically about use of Ning (or
related services such as grou.ps) for various networking and CoP
purposes. For those who have used Ning, and the like, what problems
were you trying to solve, and did/does Ning solve that problem?


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:38 PM, j trant <jtrant at archimuse.com> wrote:
> hi Ari,
> there are now more than 1400 users registered at
> http://conference.archimuse.com -- the online site we've created with drupal
> for the museums and the web conference community.
> while contributions are cyclical, related to the rhythms of the meeting, the
> traffic on the site, particularly the bibliography of past papers, is
> constant.

> At 12:20 PM -0500 11/10/08, Ari Davidow wrote:
>> Is anyone using Ning or grou.ps to help pull together intranet
>> activity or Community of Practice (or general community)? I keep
>> hearing about these tools, but have no sense how they are being used
>> or which, of the many issues I am grappling with, they address (if
>> any).

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